51- Each side of the square pedestal were adorned with trophies.

52- An arc of circles also adorned the top right corner.

53- They adorned it with light clouds that bring female rain.

54- Nature here is adorned with various trees, climbers and shrubs.

55- The pictures which adorned them were black and white.

56- His arms were muscular and adorned with Chinese tattoos.

57- They should be adorned with good works.

58- She flew along the parade route with her rose adorned plane.

59- Three mural paintings were adorning the auditorium ceiling.

60- A limestone engraved sign adorns the front lawn.

61- Boccanegra has adorno arrested for the night (Aria: Plebe!

62- It has only three steps, which are circular and unadorned.

63- Green stained-glass lamps with fluted bulbs adorn the walls.

64- A caricature of Godzilla adorns his car and other equipment.

65- His court was adorned with famous Kannada and Sanskrit poets.

66- The house is white and adorned with enormous fake toadstools.

67- Both human- and gargoyle-like faces adorn various structures.

68- Judges of some courts adorn their robes with coloured sashes.

69- The Mycenaeans adorned their architecture with relief carvings.

70- An elaborate escutcheon adorning the entrance to Bibb Graves Hall.

71- 856286 The pig's anus was adorned with the words Impeach Bush Now""."

72- Diamond is known for wearing colourful sequin -adorned shirts in concert.

73- The tower is adorned by late gothic acoustic windows and a polygonal spire.

74- A similar portico adorns the rear, with its balustrade also topped by urns.

75- Alqosh has adorned the Bayhidhra mountains for more than twenty five centuries.

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