1- He likes adventure.

2- He is fond of adventure.

3- He was full of adventure.

4- She is full of adventure.

5- Life is full of adventure.

6- Young people love adventure.

7- He felt the lure of adventure.

8- Children are fond of adventure.

9- Lady Luck favors the adventuresome.

10- I read a book of adventure stories.

11- I remember last summer's adventure.

12- She has an innate love of adventure.

13- We had lots of adventures on our trip.

14- He has an innate love of adventure.

15- SnarkHe told of his adventures with animation.

16- He went traveling in search of adventure.

17- He told us a very exciting story of adventure.

18- The marvel is that he succeeded in the adventure.

19- It was his story of adventure that charmed us all.

20- I have been fond of adventure since I was a child.

21- He wrote a book about his adventures in the jungle.

22- The adventures I read about are absent from my life.

23- He told the children about his adventures in Africa.

24- At present, going abroad is no longer the adventure it used to be.

25- Alice's adventures in Wonderland were very strange and surprising.

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