1- We all are faced with several adversities .

2- The strongest link was for persons with three or more adversities .

3- A river of wine in a dream means adversities .

4- That consistent love for us will help us through personal adversities .

5- They can bear all the cooking adversities without wearing out.

6- The concept of justice has to remain embedded in spite of adversities .

7- We all get weary of the adversities of life.

8- They must have endured a lot of adversities to reach this point.

9- Finally, the resilience of the control is assessed considering multiple potential adversities .

10- What's more previous studies have focused mainly on single forms of adversities .

11- Childhood adversities also affect parenting indirectly through their effects on choice of spouse.

12- In that valley we find ourselves in the midst of circumstances and adversities .

13- The "never say die" Belgian was fighting all adversities to the end.

14- What were some of the adversities , struggles, and pressures Esther faced?

15- Ancient Egypt at the end of its New Kingdom period is experiencing adversities .

16- Cables have their adversities even on the bottom of the Atlantic.

17- In Paul provided a sampling of some of his adversities as a missionary.

18- Undaunted by life's adversities , she enrolled in and completed her MBA.

19- He will be modest in his eating and drinking, patient in all adversities .

20- The examined environmental adversities account for little of the observed parent-offspring transmission of these conditions.

21- They expect to handle adversities in a way that leads to the best possible outcome.

22- They face all these adversities , yet make the greatest folk music ever made in Canada.

23- Surviving adversities : An organization's strength is known not during prosperity, but during crises.

24- Should they not be held responsible for adversities , once they begin getting 'uncovered'.

25- But by them He prepared Her for the adversities , which She was to suffer.

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