26- In the midst of all afflictions and adversities they go forward confident of Your Mercy.

27- He said that the ruling party's real character is becoming clearer in the face of adversities .

28- The purpose: To aid women in healing and to deal with the adversities of everyday life.

29- If the people are suffering from adversities , it means that their calamities will be lifted.

30- And that the misfortunes and adversities of the past should not visit us in the future.

31- Perhaps the adversities of our commerce have not yet been pushed to the wholesomest degree of severity.

32- What we would consider adversities of life in our Western world has a different meaning to them.

33- The Noida headquartered private university has also faced more serious adversities than perhaps any other university in India.

34- The outside world and all its adversities faded away to nothing in the heated thrill of his embrace.

35- Londoners had a greater sense of community after they had overcome the great adversities of 1665 and 1666.

36- It also denotes one's luck with women and adversities related to one's beauty and good character.

37- We need to praise God for ordaining our friends and family to walk through our adversities with us.

38- To manage their financial adversities , they should prefer this loan and manage all kinds of unforeseen financial hurdles.

39- Given the adversities associated with defending an FCPA case, for many individuals, the process is cost-prohibitive.

40- Through you may we be delivered from adversities , for you are the salvation of the Christian race.

41- We all are faced with several adversities .

42- The strongest link was for persons with three or more adversities .

43- A river of wine in a dream means adversities .

44- That consistent love for us will help us through personal adversities .

45- They can bear all the cooking adversities without wearing out.

46- The concept of justice has to remain embedded in spite of adversities .

47- We all get weary of the adversities of life.

48- They must have endured a lot of adversities to reach this point.

49- Finally, the resilience of the control is assessed considering multiple potential adversities .

50- What's more previous studies have focused mainly on single forms of adversities .

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