1- I advertised my car for sale.

2- They advertised a new car on TV.

3- They advertised a house for sale.

4- He advertised his house for sale.

5- They advertised a new product on TV.

6- I think I will advertise in the paper.

7- I advertised my house in the newspaper.

8- I've advertised my house in the newspaper.

9- advertisements urge us to buy luxuries.

10- jakovAn alluring advertisement for a summer resort.

11- He cut the advertisement out of the newspaper.

12- I was lured to the store by the advertisement.

13- They advertised that they had a house for sale.

14- We were entirely deceived by the advertisement.

15- Thousands of people were deceived by the advertisement.

16- Taishukan advertised it would publish a new dictionary.

17- It was advertised as a second edition in the newspapers.

18- Find someone who has advertised something for sale.

19- adviseHe answered an advertisement in the paper and got the job.

20- She put an advertisement for a domestic help in the paper.

21- The average American sees or hears 560 advertisements a day.

22- I think that I want to apply for the job in the advertisement.

23- I put an advertisement for the new publications in the newspaper.

24- I am impressed by your recent advertisement in the New York Times.

25- Michael Jackson used to endorse Pepsi in a number of advertisements.

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