1- On both policy and tactical grounds, they would be well-advised to aim a lot higher.

2- Employers are also well-advised to review operational compliance.

3- In the summer, access to shade is well-advised .

4- If you are not well-advised seductive.

5- He should act with tenderness and forbearance accordingly meaning wisely: with well-advised consideration.

6- The "montagnards" took generally well-advised initiatives and they were recognized to be efficient.

7- Nevertheless, applying to these schools may be well-advised (see note 20).

8- ATM acquirers wanting to learn from the European experience would be well-advised to attend.

9- That's why whitehats might not be so well-advised to use this blackhat tactic.

10- Those running against this president would be well-advised not to fall into his errant ways.

11- The well-advised trial lawyer must seek truthful and accurate information at the onset of the attorney-client relationship.

12- Industry executives would be well-advised to offer services and options that meet the wellness travelers' needs.

13- Bochy acknowledged that the 2012 World Series Most Valuable Player would be well-advised to drop some pounds .

14- Throughout the years , though, some well-advised appointments were made, enabling the Senate to fulfill a useful role.

15- But at this point in the tale, the average investor would be well-advised against jumping on the supercharged bandwagon.

16- Fans of Brass' earlier work would be well-advised to give this one some love when it streets next week.

17- Employees are empowered when they are well-trained, well-advised , and encouraged to improve and help to advocate changes as needed.

18- Because this is such a personal issue, transgender persons are well-advised to expect any number of responses during disclosure to parents.

19- We'd be well-advised to follow their lead and make parenting education a priority in more American communities, churches and schools.

20- It really is not well-advised to boo a former favourite, it might make him think he wants to shut you up.

21- You wouldnt expect this to come cheap (there are starters costing over £40 for heavens sake) but, if you do have the money, youd be well-advised to spend it here.

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