26- agribusiness Program received an Award for Excellence.

27- Delta Pine and Land is now owned by agribusiness giant Monsanto.

28- Many of the country's largest agribusiness farms are located in Sonora.

29- Here, agribusiness was widely criticized.

30- Dairy Ireland comprises two businesses; Consumer Products and agribusiness .

31- This is essentially a MBA programme with a specialisation in agribusiness .

32- Mr. Truscott is faced by the demands of agribusiness and land speculators.

33- agribusiness has also found a profitable outlet in the production of animal feed.

34- Former MP, CEO of the chemical and agribusiness giant Syngenta.

35- The agribusiness Course was started in 2004 with a strength of 13 students.

36- Food & agribusiness is the prime international focus of the Rabobank Group.

37- Those interested in entering the wind energy, agribusiness or petroleum energy maintenance field can choose the quick certificate track.

38- But, Winston writes, getting agribusiness to embrace more bee-friendly practices and wean itself from 'engineered megafarms' will be difficult.

39- 'Alexandre Hogue's Passion: Ecology and agribusiness in The Crucified Land.' Great Plains Quarterly 26 no.

40- Since then, an authentic green revolution has taken place, allowing the country to create and expand a complex agribusiness sector.

41- Formal experience consists of work with veterinarians or scientists in clinics, agribusiness, research, or some area of health science.

42- In Thailand, Tesco teamed up with CP Group, an agribusiness conglomerate, before going it alone.

43- Chemical and agribusiness trade groups have mounted an aggressive campaign on Capitol Hill.

44- Dole, with farmers and agribusiness at the core of his Kansas constituency, has strongly supported tax credits for ethanol.

45- All too often, agribusiness is regulated from above.

46- Archer Daniels Midland, agribusiness, Decatur, Ill., $ 217, 800.

47- Westlands, and other Valley agribusiness interests, are politically powerful and large campaign contributors.

48- Discuss the good conditions of expanding crab and countermeasures of carrying out agribusiness management.

49- Abstract: Discuss the good conditions of expanding river crab and countermeasues of carrying out agribusiness management.

50- Mr. Truscott is faced by the demands of agribusiness and land speculators.

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