26- Economics of sandalwood cultivation In sandal agroforestry , quincuncial design of planting is highly promising.

27- agroforestry practices provide further opportunities to promote continuous living cover as part of healthy, functional landscapes.

28- Kisangani.be Kisangani agroforestry Cultivation and Conservation.

29- Supported the "Masaraga agroforestry Project" carried out by the College of Agriculture.

30- These experiences inform her involvement in a new project that promotes agroforestry practices in the Midwest.

31- You'll understand what permaculture, agroforestry , biodynamic and organic farming mean on the ground.

32- The most profitable application is likely to be use as a fertilizer in a nearby agroforestry project.

33- And in Mali, an ageing agroforestry parkland of about 6 million hectares is showing signs of regeneration.

34- Urban agriculture can also involve animal husbandry, aquaculture, agroforestry , Urban beekeeping, and horticulture.

35- Jigsaw Farms is a beef and sheep farm with large tracts of biodiversity plantings, wetlands and agroforestry .

36- A number of joint, similar-themed discussion forums were held on climate-smart agriculture, agroforestry and food security.

37- The details of sandalwood cultivations costs, profits have been discussed in our sandal based agroforestry demo plot section.

38- Some experts were critical of the lack of knowledge and expertise of the investment advisers recommending agroforestry MIS schemes.

39- EFA also provides technical advice in agroforestry and sound farming practices.

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