1- She clears her throat with a cute ' ahem '.

2- Ahem ...OK I'm really going to date myself here.

3- Ahem! Alice boasted, puffing up with pride.

4- And: he even fielded a few questions about the future of, ahem, cars.

5- Surely it's, ahem, tricky for a man to describe sex from a woman's point of view.

6- The best part of Thanksgiving (ahem, aside from of course seeing our families) is the leftovers.

7- Kunis further confessed to wanting to grow her brood in the future, ahem, meaning not any time soon.

8- The story has inspired a line of adult toys, wines, and accessories like jewelry and, ahem, handcuffs.

9- Kudos on the - ahem - packaging!

10- Just in case anyone still needed convincing ( ahem !

11- I was, ahem , less than successful.

12- Sandwisch is an - ahem - avid golfer.

13- Not that I have ever done that { ahem } .

14- The nylon strings make the sound, ahem , interesting.

15- Fraud, where are our, ahem , protectors?

16- ahem - back to the issue at hand.

17- ahem ...Class did you say class?

18- However spring may be ahem , a tad late this year.

19- I remember it as if were , ahem , 1962.

20- Advertisement If you're roughly my age ( ahem !

21- ahem , back to the topic at hand.

22- I was a little ( ahem ) wordy.

23- You might say that I too -- ahem -- know squat!

24- The good doctor phrases his reply with, ahem , surgical precision.

25- It was also used to, ahem , whiten their teeth.

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