1- Whatever this latter may be is not clear in this confused, ahistorical staging of Lucia.

2- The result is both "hypothetical" and " ahistorical ".

3- Similarly, neoclassical economics was accused of abstraction and being ahistorical .

4- Like the original film, this remake is largely ahistorical .

5- Being ahistorical is an ongoing and dangerous hallmark of US society.

6- In keeping with this approach, the film is intentionally ahistorical .

7- Treatment of the Holocaust as ahistorical is bizarre and wrong.

8- In 1894, historian Gustav Storm concluded that this is ahistorical .

9- Without the meditative background that is criticism, works become isolated gestures, ahistorical accidents, soon forgotten.

10- Specifically, Landy shows how folklore, however "natural" and ahistorical it may seem, is constituted through changing representations of the state, civil society, subjectivity, knowledge, and power.

11- This appears reactionary because Freud states it in such general, ahistorical terms.

12- Spengler distinguishes between ahistorical peoples and peoples caught up in world-history.

13- This is but another reflection of America's ahistorical cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy.

14- In these performances, Maasai culture is presented as ahistorical and static.

15- They were particularly critical of the ahistorical approach of the English utilitarians.

16- This appears reactionary because Freud states it in such general, ahistorical terms.

17- Hence the cartographic community viewed Peters's narrative as ahistorical and mean-spirited.

18- Most significantly, an ahistorical , largely theoretical, emphasis on cultural difference remains limited.

19- To try and suggest that Watergate was n't a terrible POTUS scandal is ahistorical .

20- Ideas of an "intolerant Islam, ahistorical Africa or evil China" predominate.

21- None of those things are true ...it's an ahistorical bunch of revisionist nonsense.

22- To be chronically lacking in an awareness and appreciation of history is to be ahistorical .

23- Instead they simply denounce it from an ahistorical perspective as contrary to some absolute morality.

24- However, this controversy is ahistorical , as it projects modern ethnic distinctions onto the past.

25- Do n't make continuously ahistorical and illogical claims and you won't get asked such questions.

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