1- The first step in getting over your alcoholism is admitting you have a problem.

2- Norman Brenner once suggested that the intermediate stage between socialism and capitalism is alcoholism.

3- By the time he was ready to do something about his alcoholism, he had lost all his dignity, and was drinking cooking wine and aftershave.

4- When people talk about drug abuse, they never seem to include alcoholism, which is probably the most common form of drug abuse in our society.

5- When people talk about drug abuse, they never seem to include alcoholism or smoking, which are probably the most common forms of drug abuse in our society.

6- incomealcoholism is a disease that tells you that you haven't got a problem.

7- The men are beset by injuries, poverty and crippling rates of alcoholism.

8- "People would come in for treatment for alcoholism, but then keep smoking.

9- Not long after, Malcolm dies of 'acute alcoholism and sexual hypertension.'

10- alcoholism is a disease and people should reflect on that, he told BBC Radio 5 live.

11- You know, it being alcoholism, it was tough for people to swallow, but it's the same thing.

12- alcoholism and drug use from trying to deal with the animals' suffering they are constantly absorbing.

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