1- Superman is napping in an alcove up top.

2- 7, 5 x 5.5 meters), which has a praying alcove (machrab).

3- The mirror and the lamps bring additional light into the alcove bed space making it all feel much larger.

4- The rifle was in the alcove, and there's a report to that.

5- The school is beside where alcove Commons would be.

6- This is one of 18 alcoves in the Canadian Journeys exhibit at the CMHR.

7- And there's a cozy little alcove in the rear that offers beautiful panoramic views.

8- Edgar secretly tries to build the machine by himself at his alcove.

9- Eve urges Shogo to place Yui in an alcove where Eve can tend to Yui's wounds.

10- In the center of the alcove of this original building, an ornate, semi-spiral walnut staircase descends to the basement.

11- It is in these alcoves that most of the scientific experiments are conducted.

12- She finds a ring in the alcove, one worn by an elder of a noble house.

13- The auditorium was much the same as a playhouse, complete with balcony and opera alcoves on either side of the stage.

14- These materials, bearing their original bookplates, are currently housed in the Coleman Memorial alcove.

15- The deceased were generally laid with their head in the alcove end of the chamber and laying on their right side.

16- An alcove on the back wall right leads to a second door, through which the clicking of a teleprinter can be heard.

17- In 1922 a bust by Malvina Hoffman of the tenor Gervase Elwes was placed in a special alcove at the back of the grand circle.

18- 453346 The alcove had been empty since Pope John's remains had been moved into the main body of the basilica after his beatification. 16.2449

19- The bodies of the two tourists were discovered on Sept. 15 in a rocky alcove along the shore close to the hotel where both were staying.

20- A: For larger bathrooms, I recommend moving the bathtub out of the traditional alcove area and into a more open space without any surrounding walls.

21- These alcoves and access terminals also serve as the functional duty stations for the Borg drones that are located aboard Borg spacecraft.

22- The gorgeous archways, alluring alcoves, sizable rooms opening onto small balconies and rich ambiance must have been grand back in the old days.

23- There are small alcoves around the pool for clothes, and it is usual to bathe naked.

24- Usually, each gully has an alcove, channel, and apron.

25- They demand Baltar surrender himself, but he hides in his alcove.

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