1- It's a move that drawing sharp criticism from a local alderman and the police union.

2- 'It's easy for Metra to be the punching bag,' said new board member Marty Oberman, a former Chicago alderman.

3- alderman Bauman admits the process is a slow one, but restoring these properties is vital to Milwaukee's future.

4- alderman David Mitchell filed for re-election to his Ward 1 seat, as did Ward 3 Alderwoman Joyce Zeller.

5- alderman James asked if the city could go with the $3 raise and not the two percent increase each year.

6- alderman Jon Horner said he has studied the program in the past, and joining the program is not a cure-all.

7- alderman Moreno is unable to attend, but a representative from his office will be there.

8- alderman Penn Lemoine told KALB that the ordinance was created to placate residents in the small village.

9- Among those arrested was St. Louis alderman Antonio French, who has been chronicling the protests on social media.

10- And the alderman said he's not sticking around just to prevent the Midway privatization deal from being revived.

11- At the scene of yet another young man's death, tweeted St. Louis alderman Antonio French.

12- But Greenfield alderman Bruce Bailey paints a different picture.

13- Citing nuisance complaints, Dowell used her aldermanic power to bring heat.

14- Fourth District alderman Bob Bauman that idea was shot down by Edens.

15- Helmkamp and Brenner, knowing none of this, approached the alderman, Rey Colon, and asked for help getting a license.

16- I'm told that it shows Mr. alderman breaking the front glass door with the jack, coming into the restaurant.

17- In 1870 alderman Spiro replaced William Groom as Mayor.

18- Joined by alderman Michelle Harris and Illinois state Reps.

19- Leslie alderman, Greene's lawyer, declined to comment on the lawsuit.

20- Let's say you're a Chicago alderman who was appointed to your position after your dad announced his retirement.

21- Obviously there's some personal responsibility that we all need to take, alderman Willie Wade said.

22- On hand to accept the honor were Mayor Jim Poole, Clerk Ramona Magee, Treasurer Jamie Cluck and alderman Jamey Parks.

23- Only the senior alderman sat on Metro Council.

24- Poole is currently midway through his term as an alderman from the south ward.

25- That's a problem for alderman Joseph Hayden.

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