1- There is a proverb in the Philippines which states that alertness and courage are life's shield.

2- There is a proverb in the Philippines which states that alertness and courage are life's shield.

3- Even a mild illness like a cold or the flu can decrease one's alertness, making driving dangerous.

4- Even a mild illness like a cold or the flu can impair one's alertness.

5- Past research has shown that shift work can affect alertness and thinking and memory.

6- The parents also said the drug helped their children sleep, and increased alertness and mood.

7- To dance Cheraw takes great skill and alertness.

8- It has a characteristic expression showing intelligence and alertness.

9- It is an exercise in alertness, tactical and administrative ability.

10- It required an alertness of mind and spirit, which he thought was best achieved through the enjoyment of wine.

11- Users take the drug for the rush and the extreme alertness they feel; it even curbs the appetite.

12- As a rule, patients with normal blood pressure retain normal alertness with ICP of 25-40 mmHg (unless tissue shifts at the same time).

13- 485437 Most adults appear to need at least seven hours of quality sleep each night for optimal health, productivity and daytime alertness."""

14- Patients therefore "should be cautioned against next-day driving or activities requiring full mental alertness," the FDA said in a statement.

15- His youthful physique is coupled by an unmistakable mental alertness.

16- Behaviors present in the acute stage can include: * Diminished alertness.

17- There is a proverb in the Philippines which states that alertness and courage are life's shield.

18- Even a mild illness like a cold or the flu can impair one's alertness.

19- There is a proverb in the Philippines which states that alertness and courage are life's shield.

20- Even a mild illness like a cold or the flu can decrease one's alertness, making driving dangerous.

21- During World War II amphetamine was extensively used to combat fatigue and increase alertness in soldiers.

22- This means that a higher body temperature is associated with a higher degree of alertness or a smaller amount of fatigue.

23- alertness - Get wide-awake first.

24- In large acre laser alertness, laser scattered by atmosphere was depended on.

25- According to the authors, social interactions are cognitively complex experiences that may lead to rapid fatigue in brain regions that regulate attention and alertness.

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