
2- But local tree watchers are on the alert for more dramatic changes .

3- We must always be on the alert for wolves in sheepskins!

4- It is on the alert for everything that connects to the issue.

5- Be on the alert for my announcement of his teleseminar.

6- What are some of the factors we should be on the alert for ?

7- How unexpected!!) I'm always on the alert for GUT clues.

8- Residents were told to remain indoors and on the alert for alarms heralding incoming rockets.

9- She was always on the alert for a scene of frustration between husband and wife.

10- The words also start my historical sensibilities twitching , on the alert for anachronism.

11- They were to stay on the alert for any soldier unlucky enough to go overboard.

12- The Head was constantly on the alert for the emergence of what he termed 'congruence'.

13- Hanna who is on the alert for suitable opportunities for media exposure which will arise in the future.

14- Many white bands and orchestra leaders, on the other hand, were on the alert for novelties.

15- The department has contacted doctors to be on the alert for patients presenting with symptoms related to methanol poisoning .

16- He also ordered the state militia to be on the alert for a possible move on Cripple Creek.

17- But sometimes demonic prophesies are fulfilled, and we should be on the alert for this antichrist's appearance.

18- She was in charge of her neighborhood fire brigade, on the alert for incendiary bombs dropped by German aircraft.

19- These feats were accomplished while the troops had constantly to be on the alert for quick raids by the Apaches.

20- Male macaques migrate between troops and he must constantly be on the alert for males looking to usurp his position.

21- LATE summer sightseers flocking to the famous Antrim Coast Road are warned to be on the alert for stone-throwers.

22- Be always on the alert for individuals who might be losing sight of the team that gave them an identity.

23- Employees of oil companies in the city have been warned to be on the alert for anyone acting suspiciously near their offices.

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