1- Lorenzana, alias El Patriarca,"" was arrested in 2011 and extradited to the United States this year."

2- She took on the costumed alias of Jewel.

3- A bearded cabaret artist with the alias Conchita Wurst, who can stop audiences in their tracks with her voice.

4- According to Bentley, he used the street name, Arnold Grove, as an alias when checking in at hotels.

5- aliases: Believed to be Yahya Maguire on Twitter; identified in ISIS video as Abu Anwar al-Canadi.

6- Also, did you really not think to give her an alias (rather than her first name and last initial) before you started?

7- American officials, who list a variety of aliases for al-Qaduli, have Abu Alaa as one, though not Abu Alaa al-Afari.

8- But fans of "Angel" and "alias" were more die-hard.

9- Check ingredient lists on dried fruits for sugar and its aliases, or opt for a small portion of fresh fruit instead.

10- During this time, she went by the alias of Arachne.

11- Garner was previously married to her "alias" costar Scott Foley; Affleck was previously engaged to Jennifer Lopez.

12- He may also go by the alias of Corey J. Pugh.

13- In the same incident, Malaysian terrorist and bomb-maker Zulkipli bin Hir alias Marwan was neutralized.

14- LOL, David Price's alias shows how badly he wants to be a woman.

15- Muthenna Abu Taubah was the alias of a man whose real name I never knew, but to whom I spoke for several months.

16- Once you look at the photos there you realize it is the same person and he was much more active under his alias.

17- Otherwise spatial aliasing effects becomes audible.

18- Pastor Driscoll admits-under an alias-he posted vulgar rants about women.

19- Perricone admitted to posting negative comments under an alias about open cases that were under investigation.

20- Several men known only by aliases are also wanted by the St Catherine Major Investigation Taskforce.

21- She was also found living under an alias in San Diego, in 2008.

22- Sometimes goes by the alias "Charles Carmichael."

23- The break came when an Oregon detective's research indicated Chafe was living in Montana under an alias.

24- The information reportedly included lists of current and former German agents working abroad and their aliases.

25- The TV show's website identified one of his many aliases as Andrew J. Szadoic.

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