1- Statehood and citizenship should protect people from having their inalienable rights infringed upon.

2- Some human rights are said to be " inalienable rights ".

3- The universality of these inalienable rights is constantly being questioned .

4- The strict settlement meant that the land was effectively inalienable .

5- This is the class that is generally labeled inalienable .

6- No. They believed rights was inalienable as living beings .

7- All inalienable nouns have an obligatory possessed relationship with another noun.

8- This is an inalienable right of the group.

9- That to me is an inalienable right.

10- Rights are often spoken of as inalienable and sometimes even absolute.

11- It stands for the inalienable , universal rights of men.

12- The plots, once granted, were to be inalienable .

13- So, in effect, popular sovereignty must be inalienable .

14- The possession of land and participation in government are inalienable human rights.

15- The moral rights are inalienable , perpetual and inviolable.

16- The association of justice with fairness is thus historically and culturally inalienable .

17- That's not some sort of inalienable right.

18- They are the inalienable heritage of our people.

19- Only gifts that are "immoveable property" can become inalienable gifts.

20- They're sometimes called "moral rights" or " inalienable rights".

21- To leave no stone unturned ... and attain our inalienable rights.

22- Ho- is used with the inalienable nouns and kinship terms mentioned above.

23- They are inalienable human rights that are promoted by Islam as well.

24- There were no constitutions, no social contracts and no inalienable rights.

25- God gives each family an inheritance for its economic livelihood which is inalienable .

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