76- For evil-aligned dragons, this generally directs a greedy attitude to achieve such wealth by whatever means suit them.

77- For ground operations the inertial platform was aligned and gyro correction rates updated.

78- Frederick rejected the offer, and aligned himself with France in June.

79- Get actual customer and user input and present this aligned to the design or flow you have created.

80- Had Ngah Ibrahim not already aligned himself with the Hai San, he would not have got it.

81- He added the requirements should be aligned with vehicle capabilities and infrastructure.

82- He ran on a ticket with the Civic Reform Association, a non-aligned ratepayers' association.

83- Iallanis will accept any good-aligned true giant into her priesthood, treating every race as equal to the others.

84- In Nielsen's case, the board was apparently not aligned properly (Cressman).

85- Its spiritual pattern is aligned with the Rastafari movement.

86- Magnetic dipole aligned with external field lines The case of a paramagnetic or diamagnetic dipole is considered first.

87- Mala Mala Jong made a cameo in "Time after Time (2)"It/They are aligned with the Heylin.

88- Many of today's remaining Aztec monuments have structures aligned with the sun.

89- Mayor Adams aligned himself with the Shelton Brothers Gang and thus became the bitter enemy of Charlie Birger and his men.

90- McGuirk aligned himself with Burke and hoped to resolve the dispute at the September 1953 NWA meeting in Chicago.

91- Night Attack Team Transformers: Classics The third Broadside is a Decepticon-aligned Mini-Con.

92- Non- ANC -aligned parties immediately praised the verdict as it weakened the moral position of the ANC.

93- Now his head is stiller, his arm is more aligned and he is executing his skills, as you have seen."

94- Nyrond Nyrond, or more properly the Kingdom of Nyrond, refers to one of the largest good-aligned states in the Flanaess.

95- One reason is ethical obligation-the person feels their views are no longer aligned with those of their current party.

96- Pans All of these follow the same basic principle: PVC tubes of various lengths, assembled so that their ends are aligned.

97- Renegades Renegades are Orphnoch that not aligned with Smart Brain, and each follow their own agenda.

98- Runways and air control Control tower The airport has two parallel runways, aligned 01/19.

99- Some of them have been aligned with a spiritual aspect of human/divine relationships.

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