51- You can contrast it with anybody you want, Democrat or Republican alike," Walker said.

52- The video celebrates how boys and girls alike play with Barbie, said Mattel to BBC News.

53- However, the popularity of the food truck soon exploded, among vegans and omnivores alike.

54- Nevertheless, he corralled support from conservationists and real-estate developers alike.

55- But as the yields on their bonds show, those currencies are beginning to behave more alike.

56- 18970 Adults and children alike will sing and dance to their favorite Stacey Peasley songs.

57- To find out, Cramer compared the market then versus now to see if the situations are alike.

58- There will be a Greyfriars Bobby look-alike, Maggie the Cairn terrier, as part of the event.

59- When the Open is in town players and caddies alike drown their sorrows and toast good rounds.

60- Trails along the bank of the Guadalupe River are popular with cyclists and pedestrians alike.

61- Changing of the guard It's something the old guard and new alike said has been a while coming.

62- No one stayed a stranger for long and cared for the needs of both friends and strangers alike.

63- There are also other new approaches being taken by astronomers to search for Earth lookalikes.

64- So go on, IU and Purdue students and alum alike, brag about your bar's prominence on this list.

65- They were briefly entertained by a lookalike couple dressed up as Charles and his wife Camilla.

66- There is concern that Iraqi forces, eager for revenge, may kill combatants and civilians alike.

67- Experts and advocates alike said there was no room for the death penalty in the modern day world.

68- Snow rangers remind even Tuckerman veterans that no two runs are alike in the unpredictable bowl.

69- The "twins" have participated in a running joke online this season about how much they look alike.

70- Anyone of the wrong skin color, citizens or not, children and elderly alike were taken onto buses.

71- 198354 Drivers get harassed by parents and police officers alike for stuff that is not their fault.

72- Her message for professionals and for parents alike is simple: ask children what they want to know.

73- Airbnb itself said it welcomed a chance to put guidelines in place for renters and consumers alike.

74- Instead, he became an object of ridicule, derided by former supporters and political enemies alike.

75- The Downtown Business Association praised the new machines as a boon for businesses and drivers alike.

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