1- The philosophy of fascism is alive and well in many states around the globe.

2- Goldman earnings just not good enough NEW YORK (CNNMoney) The Vampire Squid of Wall Street is alive and well.

3- @TreeTopFlyer Walt - alive and well in Poulsbo.

4- 'None of the students have been harmed,' Pilipchuk told Vesti 24. 'They are all alive and well.'

5- 12-year-old Zachary Lee was found alive and well at a hotel in Lyme, N.H. late Monday night.

6- alive and well, with nary a wrinkle, he's the lead in the "Classic Archie" series.

7- And at a bar, it is impossible to ignore the fact that misogyny is alive and well.

8- But police say the problem is alive and well in the Tri-Cities.

9- Couldn't have felt better when we heard he was alive and well," he said.

10- Credit: Valentyn Ogirenko/Reuters Darth Vader alive and well in Ukraine Darth Mykolaiovych Vader rides a local bus.

11- Do: 'The 12th Man is alive and well in the swamps of New Jersey!'

12- Galleries The Moto X Style is big, gorgeous and (of course) highly customizable The Moto X is alive and well in 2015.

13- Gospel music is alive and well, continuing to take the Gospel message to the uttermost parts of the world.

14- I see the mob mentality is alive and well here in Seattle.

15- It is unethical to sell a gun to a criminal, yet the black market is alive and well.

16- Lord I pray those kids are alive and well!

17- Merger mania is alive and well in the land of retail.

18- Of course, White is alive and well, her agent confirmed to The Los Angeles Times.

19- PT Barnum is alive and well and working for Apple.

20- She said she was relieved when she saw that McAuley was alive and well.

21- So Olson's sclerotic economy continues to be alive and well in the United States, as well as in Greece.

22- The fish was alive and well at the time of pop-off."

23- The Glasgow Fair Fortnight might be a dying memory, but its legacy for Blackpool is alive and well.

24- There's nine of us that are alive and well, said Ardron.

25- Things just don't add up… If he's found alive and well than why would you want him back?

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