1- He is still alive.

2- His old cat is still alive.

3- His poor dog is still alive.

4- It is said that he is still alive.

5- I owe it you that I am still alive.

6- She believes her son is still alive.

7- I owe it to you that I am still alive.

8- I ascertained that he was still alive.

9- The eel I caught last week is still alive.

10- I owe it to my doctor that I am still alive.

11- The news that he was still alive reached us.

12- I can't help thinking Father is still alive.

13- The fish he caught yesterday is still alive.

14- It is very doubtful whether he is still alive.

15- I cannot help thinking that my son is still alive.

16- I hoped that I would marry while my mother was still alive.

17- The discovery that his father was still alive was a great shock to him.

18- If I were eighty and she were still alive, I would be getting the same admonition.

19- There is an astonishing number of people in this country who believe that Elvis is still alive.

20- The soldier methodically made his way through the bodies, stopping to shoot anyone who looked like he was still alive.

21- That means the baby is crushed for organ retrieval while still alive.

22- The humans who are still alive cower inside a heavily barricaded city.

23- The bacteria inside them is still alive, cryogenically preserved at -112°F.

24- Scardina said investigators are trying to determine if Coleman is still alive.

25- Still, you can always make the most of it by convincing others he's still alive.

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