1- 832704 The alkene must be electron rich which means that functional groups attached to the alkene must be able to donate electrons. 9.9791

2- Monoaddition is only possible when the alkene is substituted.

3- Fluidity improver H89 2 (terpolymer) used to depress the pour point of waxy crude oil was synthesized from alkene, fatty acid alkenyl ester and alkenyl amide.

4- The analysis results showed that the rapid and accurate determination of alkene content in jet fuels can be achieved by using near infrared spectrum analysis.

5- The material of the antiskid sheets is synthetic rubber(), such as artificial rubber or butyl benzene alkene artificial rubber.

6- This paper mainly studies the effect of pressure, LHSV, temperature and mole ratio of alcohol and alkene on conversion ratio of tertiary amylene.

7- This paper mainly studies the effect of pressure, LHSV, temperature and mole ratio of alcohol and alkene on conversion ratio of tertiary amylene.

8- The hydrocarbon must be an alkene.

9- The preparation of sodium malonyloxyborohydride in situ and its selective hydroboration alkene are described.

10- A hydrocarbon was known to be either an alkene or alkane.

11- Tungstogermanic acid as a catalyst for dehydration of alcohol to form ether or alkene is reported.

12- A hydrocarbon was known to be either an alkene or alkane.

13- F500 series of waterborne fluorocarbon resins are prepared by emulsion polymerization with chlorotrifluoroethylene and non-fluoro alkene as raw materials.

14- The nucleophiles include alkene, alkyne, alcohol, acid, amine, water, etc.

15- Synthesis of soluble fluorinated alkene with hydroxyl and preparation of fluorinated polyurethane coatings were described.

16- Result showed that both oils contain alkane, alcohol, ester, ketone, acid, phenol and alkene, and the main components are tricosane , pentacosane and heptacosane.

17- By the geometric principle, the distances among the vertices adjacent to the double bond were quantified, based on which a modified distance matrix(MD) of the alkene molecular graph was constructed.

18- The computation indicated that the stable silicyl alkene is produced by the addition reaction of silicon alkyne and hydro-gen.

19- Compared with crude petroleum, F-T synthetic crude oil mainly has paraffin and alkene, containing few cycloparaffin and arene, with extremely low sulfur and nitrogen.

20- The preparation of potassium malonyloxyborohydride in situ and its selective hydroboration alkene are described.

21- The nucleophiles include alkene, alkyne, alcohol, acid, amine, water, etc.

22- Baylis - Hillman reaction is the catalyzed coupling an activated alkene with electrophiles to form multifunctional molecules.

23- The betaine will collapse to the alkene only when these two functions are eclipsed.

24- Synthesis of soluble fluorinated alkene with hydroxyl and preparation of fluorinated polyurethane coatings were described.

25- By the geometric principle, the distances among the vertices adjacent to the double bond were quantified, based on which a modified distance matrix(MD) of the alkene molecular graph was constructed.

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