1- It's all over.

2- He was wet all over.

3- It's all over with her.

4- It is all over with him.

5- She was aching all over.

6- My body itches all over.

7- Our work is all over now.

8- The confusion is all over.

9- He traveled all over Europe.

10- Cut it short all over.

11- orcristSnow lay all over the ground.

12- The examinations are all over.

13- He traveled all over the world.

14- He traveled all over the globe.

15- She traveled all over the world.

16- My parents will jump all over me.

17- I have a fever and I ache all over.

18- He has red spots all over his body.

19- He painted the door green all over.

20- I felt a burning sensation all over.

21- I want to travel all over the world.

22- He became famous all over the world.

23- I have sore muscles all over my body.

24- His name is known all over the world.

25- Her name is known all over the world.

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