1- This current test team doesn't contain many all-time greats .

2- Johnson is widely considered one of the all-time greatest professional wrestlers.

3- It's thrilling to see an all-time great make tiny adjustments.

4- So does it stand up there with the all-time greats ?

5- In 1987, he was voted the all-time greatest Purdue football player.

6- The guy is an all-time great .

7- I would say he is one of our all-time greats .

8- Many fans and observers considered it a creative and all-time great match finish.

9- The common denominator amongst the all-time great shooters is their sense for getting open .

10- Mulvaney, Kieran, Patterson an all-time great outside the ropes.

11- One of Spain's all-time greats .

12- Just how elite is our list of Vegas' all-time greatest rock concerts?

13- But every scrap of information paints a picture of an all-time great motor car.

14- The 4×100 free goes down as one of the all-time great races.

15- With that in mind, the term " all-time great " is utterly nonsensical.

16- And it created one of the all-time great movie heroines in Ripley .

17- Piquet has long been one of the all-time great card games still being played.

18- As things stand , his legacy is not that of an all-time great .

19- So back to where we started - where Senna stands among the all-time greats .

20- A real captain whose success and demeanour put him in the all-time great category .

21- In 2007, he topped a nationwide television poll as the all-time greatest Bulgarian.

22- By any name, Fava Beans are among the all-time great culinary vegetables.

23- And that is perhaps why he is considered an all-time great in Maithili literature.

24- Rivera achieved a reputation as an all-time great reliever among baseball experts and his peers.

25- His inclusion is the recognition of one of America's all-time greatest dinghy racers.

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