1- However, this is nowhere near the all-time record for January spending.

2- The all-time record temperature in Karachi is 47C (117F), recorded in 1979.

3- Only regular season matches counted towards all-time records .

4- As the stock market hits all-time record highs .

5- The stock market hit an all-time record .

6- The race set an all-time record with 34 lead changes.

7- British exports in 1991 were at an all-time record high.

8- This is the all-time record for all majors.

9- He holds the all-time record now at 45.

10- As the day progressed, all-time record temperatures were being reached.

11- all-time record for both male and female players.

12- The all-time record was 71 consecutive games by the Eagles.

13- The all-time record stands at 18-6, OSU.

14- His career rushing average is still an all-time record for running backs.

15- Espino still holds the all-time records in many offensive categories.

16- Broader stock indexes have also been hovering near all-time records .

17- McCarney finished with a 56-85 all-time record .

18- What is the all-time record streak of wins for a manufacturer?

19- The exposure it received this year was an all-time record .

20- Included Lynx on my next tweet with all-time records .

21- My guess is that this is some kind of all-time record .

22- The campaign holds an all-time record for political one-day fund-raising.

23- This gave the brothers an all-time record 13 Grand Slam titles.

24- Auburn has a 16-17 all-time record in Fayetteville.

25- The Seawolves all-time record is 142-141.

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