1- Find someone who believes aliens exist on other planets.

2- allegeThe Americans allege that Osama bin Laden was the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.

3- Gay couples in the community allege that they are constantly being harassed by young men who threaten them, and shout at them when they are out in public.

4- Some community members allege he was handcuffed, which police dispute.

5- Some allege they were physically assaulted or made to perform sex acts.

6- "I say every time: if you allege this so confidently, present the facts.

7- All four also allege they were victims of a civil conspiracy by the NCAA.

8- Authorities allege the teen later resisted arrested and punched an officer.

9- Police allege he is the head of the Montreal Mafia, along with Leonardo Rizzuto.

10- 'We will allege in their planning that they mentioned a few locations,' Burn said.

11- Police allege it was being driven by a man who was under the influence of alcohol.

12- They allege that he defamed them when his agents said their accusations were untrue.

13- Investigators allege conflict of interest during the minister's tenure as a lawmaker.

14- But some people who said they saw the shooting allege the 24-year-old was handcuffed.

15- Prosecutors allege Howard knew Holder was a policeman while shooting him in the head.

16- Charging documents from his arrest allege he was carrying an illegal switchblade knife.

17- Prosecutors also allege that Riffey's boyfriend supplied heroin for the teens to snort.

18- Indictments allege the abuse occurred over a two-year period starting in September 2011.

19- 269494 He had written Islamic slogans on the sides of the boat, federal authorities allege.

20- The activists allege developers stand to earn some $350 million, according to the documents.

21- We will not allow NFL football players to intimidate those who allege they are rape victims."

22- We don't know how the 15-year-old has got to the point where we will allege he got," she added.

23- Authorities allege Tiharihondi beat his parents to death with a lamp, a baseball bat and a hammer.

24- Police also allege Rashid used social media to have an online relationship with a 15-year-old girl.

25- Police allege the car was driven at speeds up to double the posted limit on the Trans-Canada Highway.

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