1- Later, Fernando Ruíz de Castro switched allegiance to King Peter.

2- In 1481, Ragusa switched allegiance to the Ottoman Empire.

3- In 1183, Irbil too switched allegiance to the Ayyubids.

4- Octavian defeats Mark Antony, so Herod switches allegiance to Octavian, later known as Augustus.

5- They were to either switch allegiance to the APC and remain in Parliament or resign their seats.

6- Courtenay switched allegiance to York, who with the Duke of Norfolk took control briefly of London.

7- When the Portuguese-trained East Timorese military switched allegiance to Fretilin, it became to be known as Falintil.

8- As a consequence, the FDP switched allegiance to the CDU and Schmidt lost his parliamentary majority in 1982.

9- In 1794, after the French declared an end to slavery, Toussaint Louverture switched allegiances to the French.

10- However, he refused to follow Conde Rodezno and did not switch allegiances to the Alfonsist claimant Don Juan.

11- Initially allied with the Spaniards of neighboring Santo Domingo, Toussaint switched allegiance to the French when they abolished slavery.

12- After about four years of blogging at Blogger I am switching allegiance to WordPress and an address on our eagle website!

13- The French Army of Africa switched allegiance to Free France, and this caused the Axis to occupy Vichy in reaction.

14- Angry at Sony for cutting the print run of the PlayStation version of D , he switched allegiances to then-rival Sega .

15- The rule condemns affirmative self-interested acts of disloyalty by an attorney to an existing client in order to switch allegiance to a new one.

16- William Young was a Veteran of World War I and a Republican who switched allegiance to Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Democratic party after the Depression.

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