1- Alliterative poetry is still practiced in Iceland in an unbroken tradition since the settlement.

2- In our waggish way, we decided to mock the enthusiasm of the Radio 1 management of the time for programmes with alliterative titles.

3- He also uses numerous alliterative phrases, typically featuring three prominent D sounds (e.g. Darkly Dreaming Dexter, The Dark DefenDer).

4- There are also many examples of alliterative verse in Tolkien's posthumously-published works in The History of Middle-earth series.

5- Marvel Bullpen Bulletins, comics cover-dated February 1971. Editor Archie Goodwin eliminated the alliterative subtitle with "Zounds!

6- These games are referred to with sarcastically alliterative names: "Humiliate the Host", "Get the Guests", "Hump the Hostess", and "Bringing Up Baby".

7- Red Meat features "slug lines" at the top of each comic which are frequently alliterative.

8- He described the claim in alliterative fashion as a composite of fantasy, fallacy and fiction.

9- They must each compose a poem in strict alliterative metre.

10- Neutral, euphemistic, alliterative, you distanced yourself from the idea of neighbours killing each other.

11- Her campaign slogan, "a president for the people", was pleasantly alliterative but empty.

12- After a VERY long, very alliterative introduction, it is my very great pleasure to meet you, and you may call me V.

13- They must each compose a poem in strict alliterative metre.

14- But their law picked up the alliterative and rhythmical fashions of the day, and the earliest forms of language mixture arose.

15- Tooth-ache, tragedy and top notes share a mask of facial palsy in this alliterative world.(30) He was said to be comfortable in Leeds General Infirmary with facial injuries and fractures.

16- They must each compose a poem in strict alliterative metre.

17- The most accessible (and alliterative) source of finer-grained parallelism in mainstream server applications is sorting, searching, selection, and summarizing of data sets.

18- Tooth-ache(/alliterative

19- He knew he wanted the names to be alliterative, much like Luke and Leia.

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