1- And he alluded to the Common Core State Standards without mentioning them by name.

2- And she alluded to some other planned projects as well.

3- At Georgetown, Obama alluded to the book effortlessly.

4- Coltrane, in his liner notes to the original album, alluded to the existence of a 'track' featuring Shepp and Davis.

5- Contemporary reviewers often alluded to these sounds.

6- Golisano also alluded to governmental support for a roof on the new stadium, if and when it is built.

7- He alluded to a line from the Hindu epic "The Bhagavad Gita": "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

8- In a brief conversation Wednesday evening with The Baltimore Sun, Porter alluded to why: "It's not over yet."

9- It is alluded though that they both still love each other.

10- Maybe the complexities Mr. Smith alluded to are more than the country can handle?

11- Mr. Harper even alluded to a phone call from Liberal leader Justin Trudeau's wife, Sophie.

12- Often alluded to simply as "fricken' lasers".

13- Political artist Paulo Ito alluded to their absence in a mural painted along a road in Sao Paulo.

14- She alluded in congressional testimony Feb. 24 to the impact of globalization in depressing labor income.

15- The chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, alluded to the dilemma when in Baghdad on Monday.

16- The Great Sabbath may be alluded to in John 7:37.

17- There's actually a formal term for them, which I alluded to earlier, coined by the Soviets: "useful idiot".

18- What is the Percy Harvin Effect that Carroll alluded to?

19- The St. Petersburg Times alluded to covert"" local activities."

20- Ainslie and Artemis' Iain Percy alluded to the change helping the future of the America's cup.

21- Alito alluded to tension among the justices in a speech at the University of Kentucky last month.

22- Dante has referenced or alluded to classic Warner Bros' cartoons in many of his films.

23- Even prominent party leaders have alluded to the challenges in attracting participation.

24- He alluded to it very briefly once, almost fearfully, in a please-don't-laugh-at-me tone.

25- He alluded to the same about leaving Bashar al-Assad in power in Syria.

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