1- We allude to the subject of nuclear science.

2- Although tourism doesn't allude to it, there are a small variety of warm water sharks in the Caribbean.

3- In addition, several scenes and lines of dialogue are similar or allude to the television series.

4- Nature's orchestral sounds rang behind every moment, something his photographs seem to allude to.

5- Sua normally consist of four-verse stanzas, whose texts allude to the occasion.

6- The song may allude to property the Queen owned in Palolo Valley.

7- These lines allude direcly to the story of Guy Fawkes and his actions against a corrupt government.

8- He discusses magic squares which allude to the highest and most concealed concepts, and their use within amulets.

9- Tall floor lamps allude to tall, swaying trees, and ornate hanging fixtures appear to overflow with colorful flora and fauna.

10- In bar 92, the right hand chords allude to the rhythm of the main melodic pattern found in bar 4, but at a slightly slower pace.

11- The new logo device was intended to allude to the company's history in keyboard design by using the shape of a keyboard return key.

12- Retrieved on February 27, 2008. which may allude to a favourite book of the writers or a story similar to that of a character.

13- Gandhi also insisted that neither the protestors in Bihar nor in Gujarat allude to or try to propagate the concept of Swaraj, or Independence.

14- For instance, his clothing and speech allude to an Australian working-class type and contrast with Charles Chaplin 's mock-dapper Tramp persona.

15- Some allude to yucca stems, others to actual stakes driven into the ground as landmarks, and still others to similar, even less plausible objects.

16- Many episodes parody or allude to movies, television shows or novels.

17- The diverging lightning bolts allude to radar acquisition and speed of response.

18- 404332 Paul may allude to popular Jewish tradition. 5.5507

19- We did have a nice little cliffhanger that seems to allude to a return to the insanity.

20- The 19 German crosses allude to victory credits accumulated by its World War I squadrons.

21- Some verses in the Mahabharata allude to this connection of the Madras with the Uttara Madras.

22- I didn't allude to anything or anybody.

23- Yellow lawyer expresses,[ .com] not allude in the contract that he and Baidu Shenzhen branch sign jurisdictional.

24- At this late hour, allude Africa, a lot of people still are used to it and a chaos caused by war, disease and desert photograph connection, with poor, unwisdom and backward picture equality sign .

25- When asked, archivists and art dealers shrug and allude to the war.

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