26- But Simon's gnosis remained essentially Jewish and monotheistic, as did that of the Gnostic circles to which later parts of the New Testament allude.

27- Her husband's death made her very sad; don't allude to it when you meet her.

28- Besides, it struck him as a little absurd to allude to the matter.

29- He allude to the problem in his speech.

30- During letting wine sit, eyeball of inclined strabismus of wife morning man, allude him to sit.

31- You allude perhaps to the entail of this estate.

32- I do not now allude to preference though of course that comes first.

33- In your remarks you allude to certain sinister developments.

34- Besides, it struck him as a little absurd to allude to the matter.

35- Try not to allude to this matter in his presence because it annoys him to hear of it.

36- You must not allude to it when you meet him.

37- He did not even allude to his brother's engagement to Mary.

38- Did he allude to his hope of being captain?

39- I allude only here a small among them.

40- During letting wine sit, eyeball of inclined strabismus of wife morning man, allude him to sit.

41- In your remarks you allude to certain sinister development.

42- Try not to allude to this matter in his presence because it annoys him to hear of it.

43- I do not allude to you, my boy.

44- Our grave and reverend servitor had one weakness to which, for the sake of historical accuracy, I feel bound to allude.

45- But Simon's gnosis remained essentially Jewish and monotheistic, as did that of the Gnostic circles to which later parts of the New Testament allude.30. Our grave and reverend servitor had one weakness to which, for the sake of historical accuracy, I feel bound to allude.

46- Racial references touch raw nerves when they allude to negative stereotypes about African Americans to do with laziness, criminality, untrustworthiness or sexuality.

47- I didn't allude to any person or anything.

48- I do not allude to you, my boy.

49- When asked, archivists and art dealers shrug and allude to the war.

50- I didn't allude to anybody or anything.

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