1- One of the firefighters on duty said: 'There we were doing a lecture on collapsed buildings when suddenly there was this almighty bang.

2- We suddenly heard an almighty bang from the kitchen.

3- There was an almighty bang and the car came to a halt.

4- It flew back on its hinges and crashed against the wall with an almighty bang .

5- A split second later an almighty bang erupted from the garden, followed by Maura's frenzied screaming.

6- He lifted the huge ring, needing both hands, and let it fall against the metal plate with an almighty bang .

7- At one point I thought they had killed one of them when there was an almighty bang and an empty jet ski.

8- Eyewitness Gary Toft (29) said: 'There didn't seem much danger of it going up, but suddenly there was an almighty bang .

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