1- The car sped off with an almighty roar.

2- Suddenly, as we were about fifty yards from that lovely smell of coffee, there was an almighty roar as the barn blew up, scattering burning straw and all kinds of debris all over the farm area.

3- But, with brilliant timing, Boss Man shuddered and with an almighty roar he was up - and Berzerker was down, felled by a punch that did not seem to make contact.

4- As a kid I remember watching the original, 1954 Godzilla and being amazed at the building sized monster and it's almighty roar that, to be honest, used to scare the hell out of me.

5- Somehow , despite looking weary, Desert Orchid had drawn almost level again jumping the second last, being greeted with another almighty roar from the crowd.

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