1- Wind shear is when strong winds near the surface and aloft blow strongly from different directions.

2- 'Whichever country hoists aloft the trophy on 13 July the real winner will be the alcohol industry,' it said.

3- AC Milan's Paolo Maldini holds the European Cup aloft.

4- Battle flags can be recaptured, hoisted aloft with new resonance, but the shadow of history flutters behind them.

5- Cocaine regularly disappears aloft in Cessna 206 planeloads, each worth upward of $7.2 million overseas.

6- Human rights for all," said one banner held aloft by some of the migrants.

7- In a symbolic move, women's rights activists at Farkhunda's funeral broke with tradition to carry her coffin aloft.

8- Jolie peers at Copley, who has been raising his arm aloft in the scene.

9- The organization even set aloft a remote-operated quadcopter drone to take an aerial picture of the group shot.

10- The SaviOne, from manufacturer Savioke, is a service robot working at the aloft hotel in Cupertino, California.

11- The waiter would emerge from the kitchen and parade around the room holding the star of the evening aloft.

12- Tropical Storm Claudette overcame strong winds aloft and developed over the warm waters of the Gulf Stream on Monday.

13- Access to the monks' sleeping accommodation aloft is by ladder.

14- Before this man are four standard bearers, holding aloft an animal skin, a dog, and two falcons.

15- Dancers who have fallen are helped up, and found items of clothing are held aloft to be reclaimed.

16- Diverging winds aloft allow for lower pressure and convergence at the Earth's surface, which leads to upward motion.

17- He held aloft two fingers on his right and made a fist with his left, to symbolize "20."

18- Holding aloft his Bafta trophy, he added: "I've at last realised who that is.

19- Last year, the Cupertino aloft Hotel unveiled their answer to The Jetsons' Rosie.

20- Solar Impulse 2 starts the day aloft with nearly empty batteries and at a low altitude.

21- Sometimes small sheets of plastic or paper are held aloft to form a pattern or to colour the stadium.

22- Strong northeast winds aloft kept its circulation center on the northeast side of its stronger thunderstorm activity.

23- The balloon is kept aloft by a brazier of hot coals just below the bag.

24- The flights were scheduled to ensure that up to twelve bombers were aloft at all times.

25- The warplane was already aloft in case any such "target of opportunity" arose.

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