1- Sedum Marina is a good plant to leave alone for winter interest and for the birds to enjoy.

2- You can have a mature 12-year-old, you can have an immature 12-year-old that you wouldn't leave alone in a park."

3- If this valve does not need smoothing, leave alone and install a new modulator with the gasket centered on the threads.

4- The name is probably an Uyghur borrowing of Arabic tark, "to leave alone/out/behind, relinquish, abandon" + makan, "place".

5- In old China there was hardly any machine - building industry, leave alone an automobile industry.

6- He will leave alone things that might cause trouble; as he would say, " let sleeping dogs lie. "(14) Wait until they notify you that you must appear; why invite trouble ? Better let sleepHe will leave alone things that might cause trouble.

7- Hapi birthday to myself...but now i just want to leave alone.

8- He will leave alone things that might cause trouble; as he would say, " let sleeping dogs lie. "

9- Who hear swear with good nature? Best leave alone, keep silent.

10- In old China there was hardly any machine - building industry, leave alone an automobile industry.

11- For this reason, you should also exercise caution when deciding which accounts to remove and which to leave alone.30 But uh, there's something bout baby girl I just can't leave alone.

12- In old China there was hardly any machine - building industry, leave alone an automobile industry.

13- He hasn't enough money for food , leave alone amusements.

14- Does this mean that in time fish might learn to leave alone all food on hooks that they have seen often before?

15- Channels can help us decide which stocks or futures to trade and which to leave alone.

16- We don't allow you to leave alone.

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