1- You have to go through the alphabet soup of public authority names.

2- Martha's family gives her a bowl of alphabet soup every day to replenish her linguistic ability.

3- Alongside the current assessment revolution are equally radical curriculum initiatives associated with a whole alphabet soup of acronyms.

4- An alphabet soup of new government departments and agencies.

5- An alphabet soup of potential trade deals is likely to be under discussion.

6- Google (GOOGL) beat the "alphabet soup" on earnings!

7- That's why you get this alphabet soup in nearly every story.

8- When your alphabet soup starts insulting you, it's time to re-evaluate your personality.

9- Series 2 Roto Bot A drill -themed Attack Bot made to find the junkyard of alphabet soup, it accidentally released the new Paleo Zords.

10- The new bureaucracy of alphabet soup agencies was in harness.

11- The miscellany of different loans make up an alphabet soup of SALs, SECALs and ESAFs.

12- alphabet soup Four key findings suggest that dyslexia is an organic problem rather than a motivational one.

13- alphabet soup Four key findings suggest that dyslexia is an organic problem rather than a motivational one.

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