1- Let's classify the names of the students alphabetically.

2- The entry words are arranged alphabetically.

3- Characters are listed alphabetically by name.

4- The pair were both rookies in 2001, and their names were next to each other alphabetically.

5- They are ordered alphabetically by first name.

6- Listed alphabetically are fictional pirates by the character's last name or full nickname.

7- Most of them being undated, they are listed alphabetically.

8- Some alphabetically-arranged examples include: * Chunichi Dragons are a professional baseball team.

9- The first section is arranged by alphabetically by subject covering everything from Abbeys to Zoological Gardens.

10- The following is a list of figure skating terms, sorted alphabetically.

11- The regions are further subdivided into 100 departments which are numbered (mainly alphabetically).

12- This is a list of characters from the police drama The Bill ordered alphabetically by character surname.

13- This list can be ordered by the grade the critic assigned the films, alphabetically by title, and by the year released.

14- Genera are listed here alphabetically; no attempt has been made to group them in families or other higher taxa.

15- Psalm 145 is composed of 21 verses, each starting with a different letter of the Hebrew alphabet arranged alphabetically.

16- Major groups in the Aleutian Islands are listed from east to west, and islands within each group are listed alphabetically.

17- This, for example, is useful for sorting a series of lines alphabetically or numerically, doing mathematical computations, and so on.

18- The key idea that set the Britannica apart was to group related topics together into longer essays, that were then organized alphabetically.

19- Here are some of the off-Strip restaurants we love, listed alphabetically: Abyssinia (Ethiopian) If you find a friendlier eatery, let us know.

20- For all secondary sources except codes and restatements, cite alphabetically by last name of author; if none, by first word of title).

21- Characters are ordered alphabetically by family name, and only characters who played a significant recurring role in the series are listed.

22- For example, ethyl comes before dihydroxy or dimethyl, as the "e" in "ethyl" precedes the "h" in "hydroxy" and the "m" in "dimethyl" alphabetically.

23- Anonymity and celebrity Participant names are listed alphabetically in both the photographic exhibition and book (without index to individual images).

24- Elections Canada officials eventually split the line in half alphabetically to speed up the process.

25- Among every single player in NHL history, Zyuzin is alphabetically last.

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