51- There are some surprising -- and not so surprising -- winners and losers among the areas, which are listed alphabetically.

52- I've arranged the books alphabetically so don't muddle them up.

53- The card is filed alphabetically under the name of the editor.

54- Names are listed alphabetically in the directory.

55- Miles likes to set up 105 his books alphabetically, with favorites on the top shelf and special baskets for series books.

56- The entries are ordered alphabetically.

57- The book is organized alphabetically for easy reference.

58- I've arranged the pictures of the animals alphabetically from aardvark to zebra.

59- The catalog is organized alphabetically by label name.

60- Some simplify their task by voting alphabetically.

61- I've arranged the pictures of the animals alphabetically from aardvark to zebra.

62- The reservation form and confirmation slip copy are then filed alphabetically in date of arrival order. 6.

63- The contracts are filed alphabetically .

64- The catalog is organized alphabetically by label name.

65- The books are listed alphabetically.

66- The list is ordered alphabetically.

67- Towns in the guide are listed alphabetically.

68- It provides clear explanations, under alphabetically ordered entries,(www.) of virtually all learners' recurrent difficulties.

69- The forms should be filed alphabetically.

70- Some simplify their task by voting alphabetically.

71- All the students' records are filed alphabetically.

72- You can use the computer to sort the newspaper articles alphabetically, by date, or by subject.

73- Let's classify the names of the students alphabetically.

74- The entry words are arranged alphabetically.

75- Characters are listed alphabetically by name.

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