1- We are eight altogether.

2- He is altogether a giant.

3- That is not altogether bad.

4- That's dollars altogether.

5- He is not altogether wrong.

6- He is not altogether a fool.

7- She stopped crying altogether.

8- He doesn't altogether trust me.

9- His speech was not altogether bad.

10- The troop was altogether destroyed.

11- altogether, it was a success.

12- orcristI don't know this problem altogether.

13- ludovikoThe children were swimming in the altogether.

14- Our picnic was altogether spoiled by the rain.

15- There were only five people present altogether.

16- About one hundred and fifty dollars altogether.

17- Beauty is altogether in the eye of the beholder.

18- His answer is not altogether satisfactory to us.

19- The plan was altogether spoiled by the rain.

20- jakovTaken altogether, the President's record isn't half bad.

21- My students are few in number, no more than five altogether.

22- UFSThe committee decided to scrap the plan altogether, and start all over.

23- According to a recent survey, only 13 percent of respondents dismiss altogether the possibility of life after death.

24- 707571 The dentist was unlucky and not altogether to blame,' he said.

25- Players will even have the option to skip the TV episodes altogether.

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