1- She was impressed with the altruistic service of nurses.

2- It's not exactly for altruistic reasons.

3- But that was a decision taken purely on altruistic grounds, and with no commercial benefit.

4- In North Carolina, firefighter Patrick Johnson, 34, has created another innovative and altruistic use for Glass.

5- Or is she just a misguided woman with altruistic intentions but the execution commensurate of a buffoon?

6- See how we humans are naturally good, altruistic and selfish all at once.

7- She's a generous, altruistic soul who dedicates her life to others (although not in a pious way).

8- Their altruistic words now are a thin disguise.

9- Turkey's potentially costly intervention would hardly be altruistic then.

10- Although he's not a principally bad person, he doesn't really follow altruistic motives either.

11- altruistic behavior in some animals has been correlated to the degree of genome shared between altruistic individuals.

12- Because of this an altruistic behavior can take hold by the following reasoning.

13- But over the last few years, he showed himself often as being altruistic and willing to give.

14- Here, Rayner denies the temptation of omnipotence for altruistic reasons.

15- Imperialistic expansion was condoned as an altruistic response to increased knowledge of the non-Western world.

16- Li also became compassionate and developed an altruistic moral code.

17- Mainstream economists usually assume the family is a single, altruistic unit and that the inputs (i.e.

18- Now imagine five organisms, one of which is altruistic in regards to this trait, and the rest of which are selfish.

19- Team suicide, which is frequent in suicide terrorism, is an indicator of altruistic suicide, he argues (185-87).

20- The second term isolates the loss of altruistic members from their group due to their altruistic behavior.

21- Thus the Cyrenaics did recognise the hedonistic value of social obligation and altruistic behaviour.

22- E.O. Wilson argued that altruistic individuals must reproduce their own altruistic genetic traits for altruism to survive.

23- Formal research on human cooperation has found that pleasurable brain activity result from cooperative or altruistic acts.

24- Theories of apparently altruistic behavior were accelerated by the need to produce theories compatible with evolutionary origins.

25- I started off with altruistic intentions.

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