26- In the U.S., state lotteries are trying to engage 20- and 30-somethings with new phone apps, websites and altruistic cause-based campaigning.

27- While Leto was feeling altruistic, he took time to reflect on his own good fortune and promised reporters that he planned an epic celebration.

28- As such, each player is acting upon their own selfish 'needs', rather than acting in a genuinely adult, responsible or altruistic manner.

29- In particular, seemingly altruistic acts must be performed because people derive enjoyment from them and are therefore, in reality, egoistic.

30- Many colleges and universities that go test-optional are not doing so for entirely altruistic reasons.

31- They can be seen as a type of altruistic suicides for the collective cause.

32- She was impressed with the altruistic service of nurses.

33- A selfless and altruistic individual, she mainly wishes for life to return to normal.

34- These include people becoming more impersonal (detached), yet more altruistic and humane.

35- This is one way in which the relationship can be distinguished from an altruistic offer of assistance.

36- Some happiness-boosting habits seem to include gratitude, appreciation, and even altruistic behaviour.

37- A sense of altruistic concern that has us reaching for our cheque books?

38- altruistic spirit should be cultivated by us vigorously.

39- Unlike so many brilliant teachers I thought that Basil was completely altruistic - this was born out of his great generosity.

40- The political concern is not altruistic.

41- State officials said the court's ruling clears the way for proceedings to condemn buildings in the area.30. in the fact that altruistic acts undeniably occur in any society and that moral codes universally advocate altruism or benevolence and condemn selfishness.

42- These are not purely altruistic ventures.

43- He also tried to strengthen altruistic tendencies whenever he found them.

44- But I wasn't just being altruistic.

45- Were his motives entirely altruistic?

46- A sense of altruistic concern that has us reaching for our cheque books?

47- The avianize of altruistic behavior depends on their high cost and low income.

48- Second, an animal might direct altruistic acts towards genetic relatives of those with which it was raised.

49- I doubt whether her motives for donating the money are altruistic - she's probably looking for publicity.

50- The political concern is not altruistic.

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