76- 326669 If necessary, lower your chair height to a safe, comfortable level.

77- "That was my goal to come down the last few holes with a comfortable lead.

78- And that worked really well and we felt comfortable with it quite quickly.

79- Accommodations John Warsen said he had always liked to 'camp comfortable.'

80- There are some very stable, comfortable and successful families in Compton.

81- Opinion polls before the vote had shown Komorowski with a comfortable lead.

82- However, chances are GJ 1132b wouldn't be a very comfortable place to live.

83- Year-round water temperatures stay near a comfortable 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

84- Furious 7 shouldn't get too comfortable as the lead box office car, however.

85- Maybe more importantly, this issue is MUCH MORE comfortable ground for Paul.

86- 620994 She was not comfortable in the school environment and she cried daily.

87- In the hand, the iPhone 5 feels smooth, thin, feather-light, and comfortable.

88- So you feel comfortable spending billions of other people's money to achieve..

89- 798227 These were Angela Merkel's core voters: the comfortable middle classes.

90- Thankfully, today's global journeys are infinitely safer and more comfortable.

91- So they tend to go with the currents and they go wherever they're comfortable.

92- Several passengers told me they found the train more comfortable than the bus.

93- 274470 He makes me so comfortable and confident with what he does,"" he says."

94- 824734 They also like the RAV4's precise steering and comfortable highway ride.

95- Now society is more tolerant, they are more comfortable with coming out as gay.

96- 401010 It made me more comfortable in my own skin and in bed with my boyfriend.

97- This would be a situation where I'd feel a little more comfortable, Martin said.

98- Its new Jazz seat isn't just comfortable (relatively), it's pretty darned handy.

99- But this church is not limited to those comfortable with Harleys and loud music.

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