1- Mimura Yasuyuki (Konichika LTD, Managing Director) died of heart attack on the third, age .

2- You should learn to curb your anger before you have a heart attack.

3- After having a heart attack, he decided to restructure his life to include more time for doing the things he enjoyed most.

4- He changed his lifestyle completely in the aftermath of a near fatal heart attack.

5- Smoking claims more lives in the U.

6- S.

7- than car accidents, murders and heart attacks combined.

8- He died of a heart attack on the stage.

9- The old man is in hospital, and is being treated for a mild heart attack.

10- Novelist Peter Benchley once remarked, "Except for an occasional heart attack, I feel as young as I ever did.

11- "I was on the spot when he had a heart attack.

12- Tony Robbins once stated that job dissatisfaction is the number one factor in whether you survive your first heart attack.

13- A heart attack most often occurs in the morning when mental and physical stress are at their peak.

14- He died of a heart attack.

15- After his heart attack, Jim had to cut down on his sugar intake.

16- CNReports now suggest the drug may induce heart attacks, and users should be closely followed by their physician.

17- Many people suffer from heart disease in Japan, but in Libya those having heart attacks have also increased a lot recently.

18- Studies show that a year after quitting smoking, one's risk of a heart attack drops by 50 percent.

19- The old man suffered a near fatal heart attack while working in the garden.

20- Symptoms of a heart attack include chest pain, sweating, shortness of breath, and vomiting.

21- The official reason given for the hospitalization of the President is exhaustion, but there is widespread speculation that he actually had a heart attack.

22- The patient had a heart attack, and couldn't be revived.

23- "I think I'm having a heart attack," he gasped and fell to the floor.

24- After having a heart attack, he made some significant changes in his life in order to improve his health.

25- Her father became an invalid as a result of a heart attack.

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