changeable in a sentence

Autumn weather is changeable.

The weather is more changeable in mountain regions than in any other district.

Thomas Jefferson once stated that nothing is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man.

Temperature and rainfall fluctuate widely in the Czech Republic, where the weather is known for its changeable nature.

Please note that all tickets are non-transferrable and non-exchangeable.

777073 “There are some things that are unchangeable like moving the remote.

This formula is so consistent as to render its local applications interchangeable.

The company thinks the L16 can replace large cameras with interchangeable lenses, like DSLRs.

Now, it appears, they are exchangeable commodities, to be seen by researchers and pharmacists.

None of their power adapters is interchangeable .

Those two things are unchangeable, no matter how they may ague about the authenticity of of Christ as our salvation.