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She agreed to be their getaway driver after their escape, but backed out.

The suspects stole a police cruiser and used it as a getaway car, police said.

Prices are high, and so is demand, says Chris de Waal of getaway Farm and Butchers.

755586 Then, for the rest of the year, we’ll have more getaways stories on a weekly basis.

Obama was to stop in California en route to Hawaii on Friday for his annual holiday getaway.

496388 Ms Mitchell was planning on meeting the duo with a getaway car, but changed her mind.

Moreover, animals usually don’t make dramatic getaways, like the famous fire scene in “Bambi.”

It shows the two suspects making off with boxes and bags to their getaway car in the driveway.

Police say investigators are searching for a third suspect they believe drove the getaway car.

Frances’ spur-of-the-moment getaway is marred by lost connections, loneliness, and extreme jet lag.

Authorities have said she was romanced by Matt and was originally supposed to be the getaway driver.

This is the perfect choice for anyone who loves spontaneous getaways at significantly reduced prices.

Dills reportedly caught sight of Roof on the highway, as he was making his getaway in a black Hyundai.