51- This reduces food accumulation between the framework and the abutment teeth.

52- Fixed and rocker bearings were provided alternatively on abutments and piers.

53- A flight of 27 concrete steps descends by the south abutment .

54- In each case an abutment is attached to the implant fixture.

55- Two bridges and their abutments are also being raised.

56- Work on the abutments and piers proceeded quickly.

57- The abutments had to be erected on bedrock.

58- Possible rejection of the implanted abutment can happen.

59- Only the abutments of these bridges remain.

60- What did you say about abutment mum?

61- The single level deck is continuous from abutment to abutment.

62- The single level deck is continuous from abutment to abutment .

63- Its abutments were of stone, but its piers were wood.

64- Given such abutment the construction is a stable and strong one.

65- These were steel girders on brick abutments , unless specified.

66- The North abutment and pier No.1 are on raft foundations.

67- Number of the stone pillars, besides abutments , 18.

68- The prosthetic compounds, abutments , are already prefabricated.

69- The abutments were of brick faced mass concrete on reinforced concrete raft foundations.

70- The river bridge had no abutments , and wooden trestles.

71- A dental lab then simultaneously fabricates an abutment and crown.

72- Construction is brick arch and invert. with masonry abutments .

73- Further north are concrete bridge abutments where the line crossed 9th Street.

74- The bridge's original abutments were made of Shawangunk conglomerate.

75- There the framework was reassembled on the bridge abutments .

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