76- Ritualism is the acceptance of the means but the forfeit of the goals.

77- The Tisch undergraduate acceptance rate for the class of 2011 was 23%.

78- International Students are notified of their acceptance status in May.

79- Many colleges use the SAT score to decide acceptance and scholarships.

80- Major themes Yearning for freedom and acceptance is a theme of Jubilee.

81- After their return, they suddenly face the prospect of social acceptance.

82- The expression of this essential belief, faith, and acceptance is prayer.

83- Frequent visits and large consumption of the drink tends to win acceptance.

84- 20th century Since World War II, democracy has gained widespread acceptance.

85- Later, Helga's father has expressed partial acceptance towards his daughter.

86- The story is a gentle fable about the limitations of life and its acceptance.

87- Students are usually selected and informed of acceptance by the end of march.

88- Key to gaining market acceptance was acceptance of Rakon product by Rockwell.

89- Barbour's ministry was marked by acceptance into European intellectual circles.

90- There may also be legal or contractual requirement for acceptance of the system.

91- Distinguished Contribution to American Letters Award with his acceptance speech.

92- It follows instruction in the Holy Scriptures and acceptance of their teachings.

93- acceptance tests are also used as regression tests prior to a production release.

94- One should note whether the acceptance is expressly conditional on its own terms.

95- Upon arrival, Mia makes a speech announcing her acceptance to the Genovian throne.

96- As the Cold War began, Alexander's criticisms of the USSR gained wider acceptance.

97- Furthermore, the social acceptance of many these problems hinders their eradication.

98- He subsequently rejoined after the club's acceptance of Jewish and minority members.

99- This speech leads Marcello to the beginning of acceptance of his own non-conformity.

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