26- Auxin also induces sugar and mineral accumulation at the site of application.

27- Once mold is established, the mold growth and dust accumulation must be removed.

28- Over twenty large accumulations of tar and specimens were taken to be separated.

29- The winter is snowy and in some years snow accumulations could exceed one meter.

30- He had occupied himself with the accumulation of rare pearls before the meteor struck.

31- 2005. Tropical to mid-latitude snow and ice accumulation, flow and glaciation on Mars.

32- Low temperature stress has also been shown to increase the H2 O2 accumulation in cells.

33- Lipid oxidation: Resistant starch may help burn fat and may lead to lower fat accumulation.

34- In economic circles, this phenomenon is referred to as the differential accumulation theory.

35- Subsidence mechanisms Passive margins are characterized by thick accumulations of sediments.

36- The longer the terminus of the glacier stays in one place the more accumulation there will be.

37- At elevations of 3,000 meters or more, there are four consecutive months of snow accumulation.

38- These three soul mates conquer life through endurance, application, and slow accumulation of energy.

39- The accumulation of carbohydrates and lipids in tissue is not the result of just one deficient enzyme.

40- Variegated conglomerate of Škofja Loka was formed from that accumulation at Kamnitnik and at the Castle.

41- Bioaccumulation of water soluble aluminium chloride in the hippocampus after transdermal uptake in mice.

42- This snow accumulation resulted in the structure being further buried by about four feet of snow per year.

43- This resulted in accumulation of wealth into the hands of 22 families of above mentioned five communities.

44- Residential colleges focus on the slow accumulation of knowledge through personal and academic interaction.

45- Papers with lower surface strength lead to fluff accumulation and hence blankets needs to be cleaned often.

46- Most places struck by the storm, saw 2" or more of ice accumulation, and a few of inches of snow on top it.

47- On the other hand, grazing can also allow for "accumulation of litter (horizontal residue)" Dalrymple, R.L..

48- This still allows the same total amount of charge accumulation, but it does so over a smaller period of time.

49- Each of the items is important because the accumulation of each item helps in the "race" section of the game.

50- accumulation of copper and silver onto cell body and its effect on the inactivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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