51- The decommissioning of these sites was often problematic due the accumulation of toxic coal tar in the ground.

52- This was done to avoid the accumulation of error that would follow replacing them with the international versions.

53- Retrieved Mar. 16, 2006. The tuba last had a large accumulation of dent damage removed somewhere between 1994-2002.

54- Many places are expecting a major ice storm and areas to the north are expecting significant snowfall accumulations.

55- These are large accumulations of sediment transported from the continent to places in front of the mouth of the river.

56- But the regime of accumulation responds to the total experience of living in capitalist society, not just market trade.

57- Very long verbal forms or nouns created through incorporation and accumulation of prefixes are common in literary works.

58- This temporarily inhibits testes function and thus stops the production and accumulation of boar taint-causing compounds.

59- The artificial accumulation is used for providing water to the local area for businesses such as irrigation and fisheries.

60- The accumulation and efficient use of knowledge has played a central role in the transformation of the economy (Linden 2004).

61- Capitalist societies emerged and human motivations began to shift to the accumulation of wealth and conquering other societies.

62- This system of checks and balances was designed to prevent the accumulation of too much power into the hands of a single person.

63- Without termites, the accumulation of dead organic matter on the forest floor would become detrimental to integrity of that forest.

64- accumulation of these hormones appears to cause increased stomatal density such as when the plants are kept in closed environments.

65- Sodium iodide symporter (NIS) mediates the accumulation of iodide in thyroid follicular cells, and becomes the molecular biology basis to diagnose and treat benign and malignant thyroid diseases.

66- mpiling, recording classifying and summering these materials is helpful for nowadays Tang Dynasty history research, and also benefit for the academic accumulation.

67- In any case, the effect occurred too rapidly to be accounted for by mutation accumulation.

68- The results show that the loss of mechanical energy, the loss angle and the accumulation of the large elastic strain energy can be used to evaluate covering properties of carpets.

69- Deaf childrens s rehabilitation are subjects accumulation of the otology, audiology, electroacoustics, psychics, speech pathology and education.

70- These phenomena may be related to the conveyance of implanted ions across cell wall, or be related to the accumulation of callose.

71- Fat droplet accumulation in acinar cells has been observed as the earliest morphologic alteration in the pancreas of alcoholics.

72- The maximum rate of accumulation was ... far from maximising the social product.

73- Volcanic rock, clastic and metamorphic rock reservoirs integrated to form the complex petroleum accumulation region in Erleim basin.

74- While its geologic activities include peat accumulation and transportation, embedding activity caused by diastrophism and geothermal metamorphism of coal.

75- In any case[], the effect occurred too rapidly to be accounted for by mutation accumulation.

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