26- Cathy Tie of Toronto co-founded a startup focused on improving the accuracy of genetic testing.

27- I don't think accuracy was the point, it's more of a blanket policy designed in terms of impact.

28- For complex tumours, the treatment delivers beams of high dose radiation with pin-point accuracy.

29- His accuracy, which is one of the main reasons Chip Kelly traded for him, has been erratic.

30- Ms. Buchanan responds: 'We are 100% confident of the accuracy of our tests when we rolled them out.'

31- She added that the pilot ran for three months, achieving an accuracy rate of "close to 100 percent".

32- He is so concerned with accuracy that he is willing to sacrifice some of the story line if he has to.

33- First, reduced friction can increase accuracy.

34- He challenged the accuracy of Holmes's account.

35- It counts on accuracy, objectivity and promptness.

36- However, its power and accuracy are somewhat lacking.

37- More layers can be used if greater accuracy is required.

38- State Department has declined to comment on its accuracy.

39- The accuracy of the reported results remains controversial.

40- However, the accuracy of this has been called into question.

41- It can be used to propel objects with both force and accuracy.

42- Nicolas also checks the accuracy of Xcalib using a colorimeter.

43- Though a simplicity advantage, that's an accuracy disadvantage.

44- ISO has not reviewed the accuracy or veracity of this information.

45- Existing fitted rings can also be measured for increased accuracy.

46- By any reasonable standards, their accuracy seems to me undeniable.

47- Unfortunately kicker Mark Tatnell had the leg but not the accuracy.

48- Unlike the wide-pattern Lorenz, Knickebein required far more accuracy.

49- No researcher has yet been able to trace the accuracy of this statement.

50- Usually three or four repeated measures are averaged to improve accuracy.

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